Empowering Communities through FTBLS

Believing in making the world a better place, we’re committed to joining hands with others to help poor people. Our goal is to create a world where all communities can do well, and every person, especially those who don’t have much, can reach their full potential. By working together, we aim to bring positive changes and make sure everyone has a chance for a brighter tomorrow.
bread shop
Years of work expeirece
Welcome To FTBLS

Our goals is to help poor people.

Let’s Support the children of sawat

Donate for bright future

Change everything

We’re here to help them

We are here to lend a hand, to understand, To support and guide, to take a stand. In times of need, we'll always be, A beacon of hope, for all to see.
We’re here to support poor people

Our Commitment to Supporting the Underprivileged

Extend Your Hand: Collaborate with Us

    Ready to help us

    Helping people those who in need

    Helping those in need is a fundamental expression of compassion and empathy that enriches our society and strengthens our bonds as human beings. It means extending a hand to individuals facing adversity, whether due to economic hardship, health challenges, or other life circumstances

    Join our team

    At ftbls, we believe that great things happen when great people come together. Join our team and help us write the next chapter of our success story.

    Quick fundraising

    Speed up our progress by participating in our express fundraising drive. Together, we can achieve great things.by helping others Allah will help us.

    Donation Form

    Make a Donation

    Joining Hands To Help The World’s

    Some Outstanding Activities

    bread shop
    child and bread
    flat bread


    alt chlid and flat
    poor child
    Let’s support us to help them

    Join our hands with us for a better life and future of the childern of sawat

    Total Campaigns
    Raised Funds for People
    Satisfied Donors
    Happy Team
    Pakistani non-profit charity

    Give a helping hand for Sawat People

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